
California privacy rights notice

As provided by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 ("CCPA"), this California Privacy Rights Notice is intended to inform any visitors/users to the Site or Services who are residents of the state of California about how their information is collected, used, and shared, as well as their rights with respect to Personal Information under the CCPA. The term "Personal Information" in this Notice has the meaning given in the CCPA, excluding information exempted from the CCPA's scope. Any other terms used in the notice have the meanings provided in the Site's Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.

Your California Privacy Rights

If you reside in California, you are entitled to certain rights as outlined below. However, it's important to note that these rights are not absolute, as there may be certain circumstances where your request to exercise these rights may be declined in accordance with applicable law.

1) You can request information about how We collect, share and use Your Personal Information, if any, within the period of last 12 months. This information includes the categories of collected Personal Data and the sources of its collection, the purpose of its collection or selling, categories of third parties with whom we share that information, whether your Personal Information was disclosed or sold and which category of Personal Information was disclosed or sold to which category of third party.

2) You have the right to opt-out of automated decision-making technology.

3) You can forbid us from selling or sharing Your Personal Information.

4) You can request a copy of all Your Personal Information We collected within the last 12 months.

5) You can request a copy of categories and specific pieces of personal information within the last 12 months.

6) You can request the deletion of all Your Personal Information We collected.

7) You can request to limit the use and disclosure of Your Sensitive Personal Information We collected.

You reserve the right to exercise the aforementioned rights without facing discrimination. This means that you cannot be punished or penalized for exercising these rights, such as being charged a higher price for services or receiving lower quality services. However, if your exercise of these rights makes it impossible to provide you with certain services (such as if you request the deletion of all your Personal Information), this is not considered discrimination.

How Is Your Information Used

Under the CCPA, Zepheere does not collect any information that qualifies as Personal Information. Instead, the information we collect is related solely to the devices used by the user and not the user themselves. Therefore, we do not use, share, or sell any Personal Information. Please note that Zepheere does not collect, use, share, or sell any Personal Information of users under the age of 18.

If you have any questions about this Notice or wish to exercise your California Privacy Rights, please contact us at legal@zepheere.com. To execute your California Privacy Rights, you must provide information that identifies you, including proof of identity, and describe the rights you wish to exercise and the Personal Information in question. Any Personal Information received through this email request will only be used to verify and execute your request.